Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Stream onwards.

Such a hectic day. This is my only free hour of the day, which I can spend doing anything I want. Well, don't get me wrong. I wanted to do my morning routine, I wanted to go the gym, I wanted to go to the grocery store and I want to work today. But with this hour, I am able to do something that's not compulsory in some way. But damn, does this rush and running from one place to another get me going in a positive manner. I've been listening to aggressive music and it feels like I'm living in a stream.

I see living in a stream as a part of one's life when they are able to give everything they do everything they got. Every action, every word reflects this feeling of success, of ambition, of progress. You feel good about yourself and others can see it too. You're the champion of the tournament life has thrown at you.

This is something I'd really enjoy writing about but I don't if it's possible. When you feel like you're living in a stream, you can't stop to write and you're not feeling like you're living in a stream, it's hard to capture the actual feeling as words.

.i will not stand here and reflect you.

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